Bonanza students team up with Peace Collaborative Services for class project

Bonanza students

The Grade 5 and 6 students at Bonanza School have teamed up with Amy Cornick, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Educator with Peace Collaborative Services, to complete a service project that will benefit their own classmates.

Bonanza School Principal Theresa Simmonds says this year there are two students with hearing challenges, and the group thought it would be nice to work on a service project that could help. “Ms. Cornick shared that she needed vocabulary cards for students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. She was looking for over 200 cards with a picture, the sign language sign, and the word.” Ms. Simmonds says the Grade 5 and 6 students worked together to create the cards in different sizes. The larger cards have been used to create a word wall in the classroom of students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

Bonanza Students Bonanza Students Bonanza Students Cards

Once the vocabulary cards and word wall were created, the students cut out and laminated each card to go into organized binders, using specific vocabulary categories such as nouns, action words, and adjectives. The students created five sets in total, one will be left at the school and the other four will be donated to Peace Collaborative Services.