Parents » Guidelines for Parents

Guidelines for Parents

Parents can support a child's interest in lifelong learning by encouraging good study habits and providing a learning environment in the home.

- Provide a quiet, well-lighted place for the student to do homework.

- Help your child budget time so that a regular schedule is set.

- Take an active interest in what your child is doing in school.

- Ask for an explanation of particular assignments and what is being learned.  Compliment good work and when improvement is shown.  Make constructive suggestions, but avoid severe criticism and undue pressure.  A positive attitude by parents will encourage the student to do the best work possible.

- Encourage your child to seek additional help from the teacher at school if there seems to be any difficulty with the work.

- Guide your child with assigned homework while encouraging independence. 

- Regular school attendance is important for your child's continued learning.

-Consult your child's teacher as soon as a problem arises.